Miller Blog

I Blog on EdTech, Web 2.0. Learning Strategies, Marketing & Higher Education (especially two-year colleges)

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Read my POV Column in Community College Week

I wrote Six Reasons Your Community College Needs A Social Media Strategy and Not Just a Facebook Page to encourage two-year institutions to develop a comprehensive
strategy or plan to fully use social media channels to engage with students and other constituents.  I have developed an online course for Snead State
Community College (AL) for their new certificate program in Social Media.  To make that happen, I have researched and explored a wide variety of material on techniques and best practices to maximize the impact of social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedInPinterest and more.  

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Will Community Colleges Exist as We Know Them?

One of my greatest fears is that American community, technical and junior colleges may well disappear.  2-year higher education is probably the single greatest American contribution to the world of higher learning.  One only needs to look at the plethora of such institutions that have
undergone name changes to eliminate the term “community from their name to see the effort to be more like 4-year institutions..  

The other disturbing trend is the notion that community colleges offer bachelor’s degrees.  This is a slippery slope and could lead to the eventual demise of true community colleges.  Perhaps this can be done is a way that allows 2-year colleges to retain their distinctive and important role, but I have my doubts.

The Chronicle of Higher Education has a great opinion piece from Rob Jenkins.  Rob is one of the most insightful voices
for higher education, especially for community colleges.  He is an associate professor of English at Georgia Perimeter College and author of Building a Career in America's Community Colleges

Read Rob's article The 'Middle of the End' for Community Colleges? HERE