Disposable plastic is only in your hands for a moment, but it piles up forever in our ocean, rivers, and lakes. Recent studies have shown an incredible increase in microplastic in our water supplies and in humans. These are very tiny pieces of plastic that have broken off but will never degrade.
Our family has done recycling for years. But recently, we have become even more vigilant about recycling every bit of plastic that we find coming through our daily lives. One of the culprits - plastic straws. We recently purchased sets of stainless steel straws for home use. They work great and just need to be washed and reused. When we eat out, we politely let they server know that we don't use straws.
The impact of straws upon animal life is bad and getting worse. Sea animals eat straws as they look like a food source. Obviously, ingested straws do not decompose and create blockages that kill sea turtles, fish, sea mammals,
and more. In general, man-made plastic is devastating the biosphere.
Join me in halting the ubiquitous and unnecessary use of plastic drinking straws. We have joined in a project called First Step who promotes a no straw approach where you simply pledge to skip the straws you don’t need.